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Top 4 most prioritised skills across the Australian job market

Top 4 most prioritised skills across the Australian job market

By Andrea Italia
13th January 2022

The top 4 most prioritised skills across the Australian job market.

Wondering what kind of skills are sought after in Australia’s job market today? The 2020–2021 National Skills Overview from the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) contains a high-level analysis of industry skill needs and the factors and trends affecting the demand for skills at a national and cross-industry level. Released as an annual report, its overview provides jobseekers and employers with the needs concerning industry skills for the year.

An especially helpful report for job seekers and industry leaders, a main takeaway from the report is the break-down of the most prioritised skills across Industry Reference Committee (IRC) Skills Forecasts. IRCs are made up of figures and leaders with close links to their specialised industry and sectors from big business to small enterprise and peak bodies to unions, who deeply understand the challenges, opportunities and trends underpinning their industry.

Elsewhere, top networking and job seeking sites such as LinkedIn and Seek have analysed similar skills and competencies through their independent research, utilising recruiters, learning development professionals, and survey data to formulate far-reaching evaluations about Australia and the world’s in-demand skills. These key findings are addressed in LinkedIn’s Workplace Learning Report for 2021 and Seek’s research-based article ‘The 5 Skills Employers Want Now’.

The top four skills that are prioritised across IRC Skills Forecasts in 2020–2021 are:

(1) adaptability;

(2) collaboration;

(3) analytical; and

(4) digital,

The COVID-19 impact of each was considered carefully. They are ranked in this way according to their highest priority generic skill factor across all industries, with adaptability being the most pertinent. LinkedIn takes a broader approach by emphasising the importance of lifelong learning and learning habits. They cite growing trends of hard-skill learning on their platform through LinkedIn Learning.

The following is a brief analysis of the four most sought-after skills, according to IRCs ranging from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker to Wholesale and Retail sectors, as well as everything in between:

1. Adaptability

Perhaps accelerated by responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, a demand for adaptability in the form of self-management and learning new skills independently and resilience and stress tolerance has become increasingly important. Seek identifies resilience as their top ranked skill, with the capacity to talk about productivity and your ability to recover from difficult situations as paramount in a pandemic economy.

The driving demands for skills under adaptability are spurred on by a multitude of factors. Key points such evolving work and career values; emerging markets and technologies; and globalisation and its impact on mobility, migration and international markets stand out.

Perhaps correlating directly with the Workplace Learning Report developed by LinkedIn, rapid and agile upskilling and reskilling remains a top priority for learning and development programmes globally, with professionals also teaching leadership and management and virtual onboarding skills as similarly important top skills.

The AISC’s report shows that adaptability was utilised the most in response to the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Adaptability proved that education providers could work across interactive platforms and create virtual classrooms; businesses and citizens could comply with government directions; that businesses had to adapt to border closure issues that affected fly-in-fly-out work arrangements, skilled migration, and business travel; and that transitions to remote-working for many businesses could be possible.

2. Collaboration

Collaboration has remained ever important in today’s job economy with the rise of hybrid workspaces, focussing on transferable skills such as interpersonal communication; cultural awareness; customer service; emotional intelligence; teamwork; and social perceptiveness.

Importantly, diversity and inclusion was proven to be a top talent development priority according to LinkedIn’s Workplace Learning report, with allyship in diverse workplace cultures an imperative.

Some of the most driving demands for collaboration is the changing of workplace dynamics; the growing demand for care-related services and products; and the need for more sustainable products.

The COVID-19 impact on collaboration saw citizens undergo a rapid upskilling of collaboration tools, thereby increasing their teamwork capacity and emotional intelligence. In Seek’s findings, emotional intelligence is a  another key skill that makes candidates and employees stand out, advising readers to openly discuss workplace challenges they faced whilst being self-aware and empathising with the emotions of others. Opening yourself up more to relationships with customers, leaders, and managers in your digital vicinity is strongly encouraged.

3. Analytical

The rising importance of data and our ability to utilise and manage figures, technological tools and products, as well as navigating ready-made services at our disposal has been recognised by IRCs across Australia.

Analysing and presenting raw data and findings has become especially important when assessing our capacity for critical thinking and innovation; creativity and problem solving; and evaluation skills. Driving demand are factors such as AI and machine learning as well as start-up thinking, impacting physical, digital, and biological domains emanating from the forces of COVID-19 and its impacts on independent thinking and analysis.

With analytical thinking at the forefront of learning, LinkedIn has commended Gen Z (18–24 year-olds) for engaging more in their learning services. LinkedIn reports that 67 per cent of Gen Z learners said that they spent more time learning in 2020 than they did the previous year. Learning how to code on Python or understanding online marketing foundations were just two of the hard skills that Gen Z endeavoured to learn on LinkedIn, illustrating that now is the time to focus on improving the technical skills we are passionate about.

4. Digital

Arguably the most obvious is the surging demand for digital skills, as we are constantly being asked to demonstrate our digital literacy and ability to learn new technologies independently from home.

According to the AISC and Seek’s ‘5 Skills Employers Want Now’, technological savvy remains an important skill to demonstrate in interviews and the workplace. Identifying how you can use digital literacy skills to the benefit of your employer and your team will help you put your best foot forward. The vitality of digital skills throughout the COVID-19 pandemic saw significant digital transformation within the space of less than two years, resulting in government as well as employer interest for upskilling and reskilling.

Skills like coding and programming and understanding and working with industry-specific software and technology remains more important now than ever, with driving demands for this skill similar in nature to analytical demands like emerging technologies and empowered customers. Moreover, Seek reminds us that familiarity with tools such as teleconferencing, collaboration platforms, file sharing, remote learning and the ability to organise and deliver virtual events remains increasingly important.

Perhaps unknowingly, each of us has developed these skills in some way or another throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia. Talk with Executive Agents today so we can help you highlight your own newfound capabilities.

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Smoothing the stop-start-stop of the COVID-19 workplace

Smoothing the stop-start-stop of the COVID-19 workplace. There are ways you can make the testing process, and your (hopefully) temporary exit and isolation, less disruptive.

The Great Resignation or Modest Reshuffle?

The Great Resignation or Modest Reshuffle?

By Anna Daly
25th November 2021

The Great Resignation or Modest Reshuffle?

For once, the pundits in the mainstream media agree: what is being touted as the ‘great resignation’ in the US and the UK will more likely amount to a modest reshuffle in Australia.

Making its debut in The Age, The Australian and the Australian Financial Review in mid-2021, the ‘great resignation’ refers to the record number of American and British employees quitting, or planning to quit, their roles in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether or not this is a cause for alarm depends on your place in the workforce. Governments and employers are worried about skills shortages and stymied growth. Employees, however, may be enjoying the unprecedented opportunity to bargain for better pay and conditions. Or, they may be bearing the brunt of much higher workloads for little-to-no remuneration.

Early signs indicated the same phenomenon might take hold here. Kendra Banks, SEEK’s Australian and New Zealand Managing Director commented that “In October, SEEK had more job ads on-site than ever before.” According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ (ABS) seasonally adjusted data for the three months to August 2021, there were 333,700 job vacancies nationwide, representing a 46.5 per cent increase on pre-pandemic levels in February 2020.

Understandably, such figures have provoked a flurry of commentary but a deeper and broader analysis suggests it is unlikely Australia will experience a ‘seismic’ workforce shift. A question on ABS surveys about the likelihood of respondents continuing with the same employer for the next 12 months has led Bjorn Jensen, that organisation’s Head of Labour Statistics, to observe that increased job vacancies probably do not reflect the same restlessness experienced elsewhere. In August 2021 just over 9 per cent of ABS survey respondents answered they were likely to change employers – almost exactly the same percentage as those responding in February 2020. In fact, prominent experts suggest that resignation rates are at an all-time low.

There is little doubt that job numbers have surged recently and that a number of employers are finding it difficult to fill vacancies. Crucial structural contrasts between the workforces in Australia and the United States mean, however, that the signs might be telling different tales. What in the United States looks like a workforce exodus prompted by exhaustion and ‘pandemic epiphanies’ may, in Australia, be attributable to shortages in the skilled migrant workforce. Significantly, as Peter Gahan, Professor of Management at the University of Melbourne has pointed out, the US economy comprises more minimum- and below-minimum-wage jobs than that of Australia and it is those workers that, with lower levels of protection, have been more likely to completely withdraw from the labour market. It is also important to remember that the high rates of attrition experienced in the United States are confined to four or five sectors, sectors that have been more exposed to COVID-19 and have been put at even greater risk in some regions by low levels of vaccination.

Tremor or quake, change is afoot. Even if it turns out to be a modest reshuffle, commentators predict the implications will become noticeable in early 2022. That means there might not be a better time to get your professional profile in order. Contact Executive Agents now and get ahead of the curve!

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Disclosing Disability on a Resume

Disclosing Disability on a Resume

By Jamison Barry
30th July 2021

Disclosing Disability on a Resume

In the modern workforce, there are anti-discrimination laws and codes to support jobseekers during recruitment processes to ensure their applications are assessed fairly on the grounds of professional capability. These policies are in place to ensure equal opportunity to any person seeking work.

Even so, according to the 2018 Australian Bureau of Statistics census data, only 53.4 per cent of people living with a disability were employed in the labour force compared with 84.1 per cent of people without a disability. Furthermore, 45.2 per cent of people with disability as part of this census data reported experiences of discrimination or unfair treatment in relation to their disability.

Statistics like these can make people with disabilities rightly concerned about how they may or may not disclose details of their disability during the recruitment process.

In light of this, do you need to disclose that you have a disability on your resume?

There are a lot of arguments for and against this practice concerning discriminatory factors, though it is important to note that you are not legally required to disclose any information regarding a disability on a resume.

It ultimately is a personal preference with what you, as a candidate and potential employee, feel comfortable disclosing during the recruitment process. You might decide not to disclose your disability until the interview stage where you can provide further context to your circumstances.

What might be a reason to disclose

Perhaps you have a visual or hearing impairment that requires some basic assistive technologies for support, or maybe a physical disability that makes moving between office spaces more difficult. Depending on the severity of your disability, you might not need to disclose that you have a disability.

However, if your disability has the potential to impact how you might go about managing daily responsibilities – such as drafting reports with dyslexia, fielding over-the-phone enquiries with a hearing impairment, or operating heavy machinery with muscular dystrophy – it may be in your best interests to prepare in advance to determine when and how you might disclose your disability.

When you might disclose

There are several opportunities you could take to disclose a disability, and your choice may well be dependent on how confident you are in the company’s diversity and inclusivity policies, the severity of your disability, or your overall comfort in disclosing such information.

Before you disclose anything however, it is important to know what your rights are. The Australian Human Rights Commission has summary guides on legislation, including the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and your rights for employment opportunities, which you can view here but you can also access the act itself through the Federal Register of Legislation.

1. On Your Resume

It is not typically a ‘standard procedure’ to disclose your disability during this phase, with the exception that you may have a disability that would directly impact how you might work with the business. In this case, disclosing your disability on your resume needs to be in direct correlation to the role you are applying for.

When disclosing your disability at this stage, you should highlight any existing solutions or tools you use to work effectively to abate any immediate concerns about your ability to perform your duties just as anyone else might.

Perhaps your disability has provided you with new ways of working, or a creative process for solving problems and achieving outcomes. If you have had success in the past where your disability has been an asset, you could loosely frame it within your resume under responsibilities and achievements where appropriate.

2. During the Application Process

If you are applying for a job with the Australian Public Service (APS), you may see sections in the application form to disclose a disability. Again, you are not legally required to disclose that information unless you feel it might impact your approach to the role.

If you are unsure if you should disclose at this stage, you should consider if you would require reasonable adjustments – which by law, businesses are required to provide – during future recruitment phases to support you through the process.

The Australian Network on Disability has a range of resources to provide support regarding what reasonable adjustments are, including factsheets on support information and funding opportunities through JobAccess which can be viewed here.

3. During the interview process

If you proceed to the interview stage and feel it is appropriate, you have the benefit of some time to prepare how you might disclose your disability.

Understanding your rights as an employee is vital and researching relevant legislation or contacting support networks can support you in shaping a plan for communicating your disability at this stage.

If you will not require reasonable adjustments during the interview process itself, such as assistive tools for reading documents or access to the building, you can safely wait until you have secured the interview to disclose.

When disclosing at this stage, you should prepare to alleviate any concerns or obstacles that the recruiting panel might ask; address any reasonable adjustments you might need for daily work; and discuss the business’ disability policies and culture.

4. When Offered the Position

If you have progressed to this stage and have not disclosed your disability, now is the opportune time to comfortably discuss and negotiate any outstanding matters before you commence in the new role.

When disclosing at this stage, you might outline what your disability is, why you are disclosing now, and how your disability will positively impact your work. You can also take this opportunity to discuss any reasonable adjustments you might need.

It is important however to make sure you disclose your disability to the right person, who will most likely be in human resources or a representative on an anti-discrimination or diversity and inclusivity committee.

You might also disclose a disability as part of a health questionnaire or health assessment if the position requires it as well.

5. Whilst Employed

It may be that while employed, you notice that some parts of your position may need reasonable adjustments or that changes in the workplace don’t account for people with disabilities.

In this case, as before, it is important to discuss your disability with an appropriate party to ensure that these discussions are handled professionally. You should also aim to keep these discussions as proactive and positive as possible, looking at areas to improve or create more welcoming cultures as opposed to highlighting problems.

The main reason you might disclose at this stage should be to alert leadership teams about potential issues for employees with disabilities with the goal of improving outcomes for the business overall whilst supporting personnel.

Writing a compelling resume that reflects your experience is a difficult task, but our team is well equipped to help you identify and showcase those qualities that can add value to a new opportunity in the workforce.

Every Executive Agents’ service package offers a personalised experience, including an over-the-phone interview with a professional writer to discuss who you are, your experience, and where you are looking to go in your career.

To find out what service package suits your needs, you can compare packages here.

Be brave and venture into this new world with an open mind and fulfil your potential in ways you may never have even considered.  Executive Agents are here to help you scope your options, explore your future and realise the promising professional horizons that await you. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for a free 15-minute consultation today.

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LinkedIn now raking in over $10bn for Microsoft

LinkedIn now raking in over $10bn for Microsoft

By Nick Hurley
28th July 2021

LinkedIn now raking in over $10bn for Microsoft

The online professional networking platform that Microsoft acquired in 2016 has just become the third Microsoft business line in the last three years to cross over the USD$10bn annual revenue threshold, alongside Security and Gaming.

Discussing Microsoft’s results on Wednesday 28th July (Sydney time), CEO Satya Nadella said LinkedIn now has 774 million members, and user sessions were up 30 per cent in the quarter compared with a year ago.

The professional networking site reported a 46 per cent jump in quarter-on-quarter revenue, driven by strong advertising demand in Marketing Solutions, to the tune of 97 per cent growth, year-on-year.

“In the past five years since our acquisition, revenue has nearly tripled and growth has accelerated,” Nadella said. “LinkedIn has become a leader across multiple secular growth areas spanning B2B advertising, professional hiring, corporate learning and sales intelligence.”

Microsoft bought LinkedIn in 2016 for $26.2 billion. Since then, the company has only integrated LinkedIn’s products and services very limitedly with existing Microsoft ones. Microsoft has only taken initial steps to move LinkedIn over to being hosted on Azure, rather than on its own servers. Management insists this slow integration is by design and that their first concern has been to grow the LinkedIn user base.

Be brave and venture into this new world with an open mind and fulfil your potential in ways you may never have even considered.  Executive Agents are here to help you scope your options, explore your future and realise the promising professional horizons that await you. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for a free 15-minute consultation today.

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Transferable Skills for Resumes

Transferable Skills for Resumes

By Clare Malcolm
May 12th 2021

Transferable Skills for Resumes

Transferable skills are often those inadvertent activities you do on a day-to-day basis that you may have missed recognising as an essential and vital aspect of what you offer to a prospective employer.

Seek offers a ‘Transferable Skills Checklist’ which is an ideal starting point to give serious consideration to what abilities you have and are perhaps missing out on highlighting in your resume that could tip the balance in your favour when vying for that job you are aspiring to.

Whether your first job was at McDonald’s or the local fish and chip shop you quickly developed the capacity for time management if you were reliable in showing up to your shifts and juggling your workload.

Time Management is an integral part of business operations and employees who can effectively manage their own time, coordinate their own workload and deliver results in a timely manner are a true asset to any organisation.

Research and Analytics are another skill set considered transferable and given the cyber world in which we now all live, utilising these skills has become second nature to most people who are adept at exploring and investigating the world through their smart phone or tablets and then interpreting what they discover into meaningful content be it for personal or professional use.

Think about the last bit of research you undertook via that magical world of Google and how much you discovered and learnt along the way. It is easy to take for granted just how much new information is at our fingertips.  Don’t underestimate the capacity you have to delve into a topic and harness knowledge from it which you can then interpret and present.

Administration and Clerical skills are fundamentals to every business, be that handling communications through email, phone calls and daily interactions, managing a diary or processing paperwork and allocating it efficiently.

These are highly likely key, essential and extremely transferable skills you have and utilise daily in making your current role a success.  Do not fail to mention in your resume your capacity for delivering on the administrative tasks of any role for which you are applying because this will be a basic requirement in delivering the job to a high degree of satisfaction for the organisation.

Particularly, present yourself as a strong communicator.  There are few jobs in today’s connected world that do not require interaction with others for you to be effective. Owning your ability to communicate proudly and highlighting it loudly on your application will help you stand apart from other applicants.

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Creative and critical thinking are also skills that are often overlooked by people trying to present their best self to a prospective employer, but they are often a motivation for a company in advertising for new staff, to bring new blood into its operations and that means delivering fresh ideas and new ways of working.

Demonstrating your skill set as a creative and critical thinker is an opportunity to set yourself beyond the pack and present to the potential employer the additional advantage of gaining fresh insights, delving into new concepts and ideas and exploring new perceptions of change, development opportunities and alternative ways of working that may well be highly impactful.

Employing a new face with fresh ideas into a business is as exciting an opportunity for the employer as it is for the candidate and bringing the ability to think creatively and critically is going to establish you as someone offering that little bit extra.

There are also attributes, that if you own them, are worth noting as part of the process of selling yourself as the ideal candidate.  These include aspects of your personality such as being empathetic, cooperative and flexible which often translates into you being a great team member.  These abilities will showcase you as someone who can adapt, adjust and work inclusively within the organisation.

Team harmony is a critical element of business success.  Just ask any HR professional who has dealt with conflict in a team environment how overwhelmingly destructive this can be to morale, output and the achievement of business outcomes.  Conflict is a disaster for business so demonstrating your skill set as a harmonising force who can go with the flow and bring a cooperative spirit will be a welcome addition to any organisation and give you a definite head start as a preferred candidate.

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This has been but a snapshot of the abilities that are perceived as necessary to do a job well and we challenge you to think about what your transferable skills are and how you can represent them on paper to highlight yourself as a standout, star performer who brings so much to the interview table that they simply cannot turn you down.

Executive Agents’ personalised service includes a detailed conversation with you about who you are and what you do and is designed to assist in identifying those transferable skills you may have overlooked when focussed on a job advertisement or position description but that may well be the edge you need to secure that longed-for opportunity.

Do not underestimate how much you have to offer a new employer and let us help you identify the strengths you already own to enable you to present your very best self.

Be brave and venture into this new world with an open mind and fulfil your potential in ways you may never have even considered.  Executive Agents are here to help you scope your options, explore your future and realise the promising professional horizons that await you. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for a free 15-minute consultation today.

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Changes to Job Vacancy Dynamics Post COVID

Changes to Job Vacancy Dynamics Post COVID

By Clare Malcolm
April 26th 2021

Covid has wrought havoc in our lives, from the illness and death it has delivered globally to the isolation and loneliness it has brought to individuals. No one has been left untouched by this scourge across the globe.

Business has been hard hit by quick strike decisions and at times lengthy lockdowns that have brought trade to a grinding halt across many industries and put both business owners and workers out of a job for significant periods of time.

General retailers, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, hairdressers, beauty salons, airlines, tourism operators and sporting life, the very hubs of our social existence, were all placed in a veritable limbo whilst Governments grappled to limit movement and ultimately the viruses spreading throughout our community.

However, whilst some industries experienced unprecedented pain, others were the source of extraordinary growth and demand for workers and staff.

According to the Australian Government Job Outlook Skills Match tool those that were employed in the five largest occupation groups most impacted by lockdowns- waiters, kitchenhands, bar attendants, baristas and sales assistants may well have the skills to transition into lines of work where demand significantly increased such as checkout operators, cleaners, truck drivers, couriers, aged and disabled care workers, and call centre operators.[1]

The foundation of that transition is having transferable skills that can have immediate impact and value in a new environment and which you may well possess without ever having articulated them having been part of your daily and unacknowledged professional life.

The top transferable skills include: communication, dependability, teamwork, organisation, adaptability, leadership, decision making, empathy and initiative. [2]

If you are not highlighting these significant aspects of your character on your resume you are potentially diminishing your shine in the eyes of a likely new employer.

Another powerful dynamic at play in Covid recovery has been the move towards the use of technology as an acceptable way to work in the post pandemic world.

Whilst physical office environments came to a grinding halt in March of 2020, millions of homes were turned into goldmines of functionality and production as workers commenced a new world of operating and engaging remotely with their co-workers and managers.

This has opened collective eyes and minds to the potential for the workplace of the future as being something more agile, dynamic, and limitless than ever before in our history.

Suddenly where you are physically located is no longer necessarily a barrier to what you can do for and offer to a company in need of your skill set and experience.  This affords enormous potential for business to garner a wider audience of potential employees and for job seekers to look beyond the environmental limitations they previously perceived to be at play in their hunt for that right role.

Some resilient occupations have thrived in the midst of the cataclysmic employment shocks that have been felt across the country these past 12 months. More than half of employment in resilient occupations is accounted for by just three industries:

  1. Health Care and Social Assistance (26.6 per cent),
  2. Construction (14.5 per cent)
  3. Education and Training (13.0 per cent).[3]

Hence these are the industries with real potential for job seekers looking to reskill, retrain or reinvent themselves.

Rural job vacancies have also continued to grow as the agricultural economy powered through the inevitable downturn.

Rural job advertising hit record levels last September, then again in November, and peaked even higher in January 2021. In October the rural vacancy index leapt 65.4 per cent above 2019 levels, while Seek’s total market ads were still 21 per cent fewer in number than the previous year.[4]

If there was ever a time for a tree change now might well be it if you are looking for a change of lifestyle to accompany a change in career.

This tumultuous period we have all just lived through may well be the trigger many people need to reinvent themselves and their future in terms of work, career, potential and opportunity.

Don’t hold back on investing in yourself to embrace this exciting new world that is primed with prospects and possibilities that you may have never even considered within your reach previously.  The world has changed, as have we. Business has changed and how employers think about and engage with their workforce has forever altered. 

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Be brave and venture into this new world with an open mind and fulfil your potential in ways you may never have even considered.  Executive Agents are here to help you scope your options, explore your future and realise the promising professional horizons that await you. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for a free 15-minute consultation today.

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Australian job market starts 2021 in a very strong position

Australian job market starts 2021 in a very strong position

By Nick Hurley
January 13th 2021

Australian job market starts 2021 in a very strong position.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics released job market data today confirming the easing of COVID-19 restrictions and reopening of the economy late last year underpinned a 23 per cent rise in job vacancies in the three months ending on November 30.

The sectors that saw the biggest increases in demand for talent were, unsurprisingly, those most impacted by lockdowns – arts and recreation services, accommodation and food services, and retail trade.

The jobs boom has not been confined to the private sector, however, since government job vacancies are also up – by 17 per cent.

In addition, a surge in unfilled positions has brought overall vacancies to a level higher than the last pre-COVID reading in February 2020. “The number of unfilled available positions rose by 48,000 in September-November, after a sharp rise of 77,000 roles in August, as COVID-related restrictions were further relaxed across Australia”, said Bjorn Jarvis, ABS’s Head of Labour Statistics.

“There were 254,000 job vacancies in November, which was higher than the pre-COVID level in February,” he said. “This reflected the pace of recovery in labour demand in the second half of the year and labour shortages in some industries.”

This set of very bullish, trailing job-market data aligns closely with the ANZ Australian Job Ads’ reading from last week which revealed job ads surged 9.2 per cent in December to rise above pre-pandemic levels. More than 159,000 vacant positions were advertised in December – the highest reading since July 2019. This figure is also 4.1 per cent higher than for February last year and is up 5 per cent year on year, making it the first annual increase in two years.

If you’re looking to update your resume to land your dream job in 2021, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for a free 15-minute consultation today.

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